Quantum Kambo is an authentic and heart-centered community, offering opportunities for people to connect with ancient tribal treatments, to increase their wellness and vitality.

We offer Kambo cleanses that detoxify the body, mind and energetic field, an integration program to ensure lasting success for the work done in the cleanse and a like-minded community of people who offer love and support before, during and after your journey.

Two women embrace during ceremony
Two women embrace during ceremony

Why Quantum Kambo?

Aubrielle serving kambo to someone on their healing journey
Aubrielle serving kambo to someone on their healing journey

As we know from the science of quantum physics- everything is energy. And energy is not fixed, it’s fluid, always vibrating at various frequencies.

As a human being, we too are energy made manifest in physical form, vibrating at various frequencies based on the thoughts we repeatedly think and the emotions we hold on to and repeatedly feel.

Kambo shifts our vibrational frequency which provides revitalization on an energetic, mental and physical level.

Kambo is a powerful medicine that cleanses the body on a physical, mental and spiritual level. This miraculous jungle medicine is a serum that comes from the Giant Monkey Tree Frog that provides deep and profound healing.

These frogs have no known predators. When you sit with Kambo, you receive and embody the same strength and fortitude as well, becoming free of any negative sources of energy both internally and externally.

The serum from these frogs is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and antiseptic, making it a powerhouse for clearing out any toxicity in the body. It's also believed that Kambo clears "Panema" or heavy energy that blocks you and keeps you feeling stuck, which allows for greater ease and abundance to flow in your life, naturally. Considered the "vaccine of the jungle," Kambo is unrivaled by anything else when it comes to cleansing, clearing and revitalizing your mind, body and spirit.


When you join us for a Quantum Kambo retreat, you are guided on a quantum journey to become free from past trauma, limiting beliefs and a lack of self love.
You will remember how it feels to be who you truly are before your mind was programmed and your body was conditioned to forget and live in the illusion of fear.

The healing modalities we offer in tandem with Kambo bring you through a mind-shifting and liberating odyssey of connection with truth, joy, true love and transcendental peace from the side out.

A group at the retreat in a circle around someone going through their healing journey
"I would recommend this retreat to anyone who wants to remove any kind of trauma or old blockages from their life, or anyone who is willing to look at who they are and do the work to make themselves be able to see who they are in this lifetime and what they’re here for."
- Beth
A group at the retreat in a circle around someone going through their healing journey
"I would recommend this retreat to anyone who wants to remove any kind of trauma or old blockages from their life, or anyone who is willing to look at who they are and do the work to make themselves be able to see who they are in this lifetime and what they’re here for."
- Beth

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Aubrielle leading a powerful discussion at the a retreat
Aubrielle leading a powerful discussion at the a retreat